The act of worship is meant for an audience of one – THE One – God alone and no one else.
We hope you find something here to help focus your heart and mind on Him.
In this eBook, you’ll find sixty meditations, each with a scripture verse and devotional thought designed to encourage you whatever your circumstances, to challenge you to delve deeper into scripture and to inspire you to find more intimacy with God.
Here you will find short devotions that may help you think differently and more positively about your stewardship of the resources which have been entrusted to you, as well as to become a more cheerful giver. Worship Leaders or Pastors may use meditations as offertory thoughts to encourage congregations to grow a greater spirit of generosity.
Our lives can be an act of worship. Sometimes we just need a little help to jump start our hearts – to see His influence, recognize unexpected miracles, or feel His hand on our shoulders. Whether you need a scripture verse to start your daily devotional time, a meditation for a small group discussion or a focus for your church service or offertory, Worship for One materials can help. Each thought is Bible-
The Worship for One series
As a tool for worship, a monologue is an effective way to step into someone else’s shoes for a time. In this book you'll find three stories to read or perform, along with stage directions and a "behind the scene" look. You'll meet a homeless woman, a running coach and an elderly gardener who may make you laugh or move you to tears, but I pray that each will, in some way, become a part of your story as you take on the role God has written especially for you.
During the forty days prior to Easter, Christians of many faith traditions remember the final journey Jesus of Nazareth took through the cross and into eternity. Find meditations for everyday of the Lenten Season (beginning on Ash Wednesday) to help you make your own personal journey of faith, to focus your heart and mind on things that can really make a difference in your life, your family or your church.
Advent Emmanuel -
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